+62-811-9119-611      +62-811-9119-611   
    deltacrete@gmail.com      Senin - Jumat 9.00 - 17.00

Deltamix CR

Retarding and Plasticising Concrete Admixture


Deltamix CR is a chloride free brown solution water reducing admixture based on selected lignosulphonate materials, which instantly disperses in water. Deltamix CR disperses the fine particles in the concrete mix, enabling the water content of the concrete to perform more effectively. Delay the initial hydration of the cement, which will also delay the setting time of the concrete with no adverse effect on subsequent stiffening and strength gain.


Deltamic CR improves the effectiveness of water content of a concrete mix and to extend working times of concrete by maintaining its workability, and particularly suitable for use in mixes with low cohesion.


Deltamix CR conforms with BS 5075 Part 1, ASTM C494 as Type B and Type D


  • Improve compressive strengths at all ages and enhances durability
  • Increase strength, higher strength without increase in cement content or reduction in workability
  • Cement saving, strength specifications and workability can be maintained with less cement
  • Improve quality, denser close-texture concrete improves durability and surface finishes
  • Higher Cohesion, risk of segregation and bleeding minimized
  • Chloride free, safe in prestressed concreted and with sulphate-resisting cements and marine aggregates

Instruction FOR USE


Always contact Deltacrete to do the trials before using Deltamix CR to ensure the compatibility of the product in the concrete mixes and to get the right dosage.


The optimum dosage of Deltamix CR should always be determined by trials using materials and conditions that will be experienced in use. The normal dosage range is 0.3 to 0.6 litres/100 kg of Portland Cement.



Calcium Lignosulphonates


Brown Liquid

Specific Gravity

1.17 kg/1 at 24 + 2 degree C

Water Soluble Chloride

Nil (BSEN 934-2)

Alkali Content

Typically less than 3 grams of Na20

Shelf Life

1 year when unopened and stored at 5 – 45 degree C


30 litre can and 210 litre drum



Deltamix CR is water based and non-flammable, but it should not be swallowed or allowed to come into contact with skin and eyes. Suitable protective gloves and goggles should be worn. Splashes on the skin should be removed with water. In case of contact with eyes rinse immediately.


Our Location

PT. Deltacretindo Wira Mandiri
  Ruko Bekasi Mas C/26,
   Jalan Ahmad Yani, Bekasi Selatan
   Kota Bekasi, 17141
   :  deltacrete@gmail.com

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